The White Admiral butterfly (Limenitis Camilla) is beautiful in every way. They have stunning white-banded black wings, with a wingspan of 60-64mm. The White Admiral butterfly is considered a North …
island marble butterrfly
The Silver-Washed Fritillary Butterfly (Argynnis Paphia) | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesThe Silver-washed Fritillary (Argynnis Paphia) is a beautiful orange and black spotted butterfly found in Algeria, Europe, Temperate Asia, and Japan. They have a 54-70mm wingspan, with the males being …
The Red Admiral Butterfly (Vanessa Atalanta) is found in temperate regions of North Africa, North and Central America, Europe, Asia, and the island regions of Hawaii and the Caribbean. They …
The Purple Emperor butterfly (Apatura Iris) is a beautiful colored butterfly located in central-southern England. The Purple Emperor butterfly is a butterfly in the Nymphalids family. Their wingspan is 75-84mm …
The Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko (Uropiatus Phantasticus) | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesThe Satanic Leaf-Tailed gecko (Uropiatus Phantasticus) also goes by Eyelash Leaf-Tailed gecko and Phantastic Leaf-Tailed gecko. They are found on the island of Madagascar. This one-of-a-kind gecko was first described …
The Northern Brown Argus Butterfly (Aricia Artaxerxes) | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesThe Northern Brown Argus Butterfly (Aricia Artaxerxes) is a butterfly in the family Lycaenidae. They can be found in Britain, Europe, Scotland, Northern England, and much of the Palearctic realm. …
The Chalk Hill Blue Butterfly (Polyommatus Coridon) | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesThe Chalk Hill Blue butterfly (Polyommatus Coridon) is a small beautiful butterfly protected in Great Britain. They have a preference for grasslands that have short grass with a lot of …
The African Map Butterfly (Cyrestis Camillus) has the prettiest colors that make you want to put on an outfit that matches them. The African Map butterfly is a butterfly of …
The Map butterfly (Araschnia Levana) is a butterfly in the Nymphalidae family. The Map butterfly has a reddish ochreous ground, a characteristic pattern of spots, some whitish subapical and marks …
The Large Copper Butterfly (Lycaena Dispar) can be found in Europe and the Netherlands and spotted in the United Kingdom. Sadly, the Large Copper butterfly is declining in many European …