In a heartfelt homage, Rick Ross spotlights the creative genius behind the iconic “Maybach Music” tag, Jessica Gomes. This masterstroke, resonating through numerous Maybach Music Group records, has left an indelible mark on the hip-hop scene.
On a recent Monday, the indomitable Biggest Boss graced his Instagram feed with a special tribute to Jessica Gomes. This visionary talent holds the distinction of crafting one of the most recognizable hip-hop tags to have graced the airwaves in recent history. Within the post, viewers are treated to the unmistakable utterance of the “Maybach Music” tag, accompanied by the appearance of none other than Jessica Gomes herself.
Curious minds have often pondered about the enigmatic voice preceding the unforgettable “Maybach Music” tag. With utmost enthusiasm, Rick Ross takes the opportunity to unveil the prodigious Jessica Gomes as the source behind this legendary vocal embellishment.
To connect with her world and exploits as a powerhouse, everyone is encouraged to follow @iamjessicagomes on her journey. And when the chance arises to cross paths with this luminary during her ventures as a trailblazer, enthusiasts are invited to partake in an @officialbelaire toast in her honor, punctuated by the classic chant of ‘Mmmmmmmaybach Music!’
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[…] Rick Ross has made headlines once again by showcasing his opulent lifestyle. The artist, who has claimed to be richer than ever, recently took to Instagram to display his extravagant black and gold private jet. […]