The Ulysses butterfly (Papilio Ulysses) is a beautiful large swallowtail butterfly of Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. Its size varies depending on subspecies, but the wingspan …
Today is a packed day of men’s college basketball. There are some great top 25 matchups that are worth talking about. A key Big East matchup between No. 17 University …
A New Zealand Parrot Stole A GoPro And Filmed Its Getaway | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesA Parrot got a hold of one New Zealand family’s GoPro and decided to film its getaway. A New Zealand family got an unexpected bird’s eye view of a trail …
Couple And Their Dog Rescued By Helicopter After Being Stranded In California Cabin For Two Months | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesTwo people and their dog were looking after a cabinet in a remote part of California were rescued this week after being snowed in for two months with few supplies, …
Video Of Drone Capturing SpaceX Falcon 9’s Latest Launch And Landing | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesWatch drone capture SpaceX Falcon 9’s launch and landing! What an incredible video that was reported by CNET. Elon Musk and company are working through a busy week, but SpaceX …
“La Casa Loca” (The Crazy House): This Upside-Down House Is Becoming A Worldwide Sensation | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesThe newly-constructed upside-down house in Guatavita, Colombia, is something to see. No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. This is a house designed by Austrian architect Fritz Schall, …
Orbiting satellite Finds Massive Methane Leaks From Gas Pipelines | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesOrbiting satellites have collected new evidence showing that oil and gas companies are routinely venting huge amounts of methane into the air. Methane is the main ingredient in natural gas, …
This Special Plant Has A “Rare” Ability That Could Transform Your Sleep | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesThe Snake plant is a beautiful plant that could improve your life by pumping oxygen into your abode. In addition, they say that this plant can transform your sleep if …
Postal Workers Are Being Investigated Over Claims They Ate Weed Brownies On Duty From An Unclaimed Parcel And Were Too High To Work | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesPostal workers are being investigated over claims they ate weed brownies from an unclaimed parcel and had to be collected from work because they were too high, according to The …
Fan perception varies in the way three athletes-Kyrie Irving, Aaron Rodgers, and Novak Djokovic- have handled their decisions to not get vaccinated for COVID-19 over the past several months, according …