This beautiful Mexican fireleg or Mexcian rustleg tarantula, known by the scientist name “Brachypelma boehmei,” is commonly found in Mexico. It gets its name from the furry bright red-orange and …
island marble butterrfly
The purple tarantula belongs to the genus Pamphobeteus Nigricolor (Theraphosidae) family. Found in Colombia and Brazil, these tarantulas are some of the biggest spiders in the world. So imagine one …
Have you ever seen a Thyreus Nitidulus “Blue Cuckoo Bee” before? If so, you probably thought you were seeing things. But come to find out, these beautiful blue cuckoo bees …
Meet the stylish red albino hognose snake. Red albino hognose snakes get their names from their modified rostral (nose) scale that looks like a horn. Although they look pretty intimidating, …
If you’re lucky enough to find a pink grasshopper, consider yourself super lucky. Unfortunately, not every day do people come across these beauties. Pink grasshoppers are a result of a …
The Tiger “Panthera Tigris” Population Is Sadly On The Endangered List | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesWhat a beautiful animal! Even though we know that these big cats are not pets, that doesn’t stop us from wishing we could hug and cuddle with them. So say …
When you think of spiders, do you cringe, or do you love them? Do they make you smile? Or do they make you say bad words? Either way, they are …
The Critically Endangered Gooty Sapphire Ornamental Tree Spider | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesThe Gooty Sapphire Tarantula (Poecilotheria Metallica) are arboreal spiders. They construct funnel webs in the holes of trees where they live. These beautiful insects don’t need webs to catch their …
The Okapi, Also Known As The Zebra Giraffe, Is On The Endangered List | iHearts143Quotes
by Taylor Jamesby Taylor JamesFound in the rainforest of the Congo region, the okapi was not yet identified by scientists until 1901. The okapi is also known as the forest giraffe, Congolese, giraffe, or …
Wow, so we’ve all seen panda bears before but, I’ve never seen a panda ant in my life until now. The Euspinolia militaris in the Mutillidae are a family of …