NASA is planning to crash the International Space Station into the Pacific Ocean. Now, before you start to freak out… this isn’t going to happen anytime soon, but it is going to happen. NASA detailed the plans in the International Space Station Transition Report.
The idea is to help private and commercial sectors get established in the late 2020s. Then, NASA will bring the station into a deorbit. At the end of 2030, after its mission has finally ended, the ISS would have been operating for 30 years, according to BGR.
The station launched in 1998 and has been a beacon of hope for astronomers hoping to learn more about the universe surrounding us. NASA now wants to rely on Commercial LEO Destinations (CLCD) to help lead the way in the future.
Once NASA has crashed the ISS into the Pacific Ocean at Point Nemo, the graveyard for hundreds of spacecraft in the past. Point Nemo is the furthest point in the ocean from land. NASA says it will take proper precautions to ensure the deorbit from ISS goes as smoothly as possible.
Let’s just hope that it doesn’t bring any unwanted passengers to the Pacific Ocean with it when it crashes. What are your thoughts?