Jay Electronica says he has ‘Met’ the real powers to be ‘but wasn’t Impressed.’
Jay Electronica Claims to Have Met the Illuminati but wasn’t impressed at all.
In a series of tweets on March 13, Roc Nation rapper Jay Electronica made some outlandish claims. Among them was a declaration that he had “met” the Illuminati but wasn’t impressed by what he saw.
During his Twitter spree, Jay also alleged that Dominicans control the banks and that an ancient Germanic tribe, the Visigoths, are running a pedophile ring in Hollywood.
“Ps, The Illuminati? I met em. They ain’t all that. Ask em about me,” Jay tweeted, adding: “Ps, The Dominicans control Hollywood.”
While some may be skeptical of Jay’s claims, they have garnered significant attention online.