A computer hacker decided that they wanted to see if NASA was hiding UFO information. He claims he discovered a picture of a mysterious Alien craft along with thousands of other photos.
Gary Mckinnon broke into 97 US government computers to see if NASA was hiding UFO information.
Mckinnon said that he was only looking for evidence that the US was actively covering up UFOs. He told the Sun Online what he found left him “Gobsmacked.”
“It’s a fact that there are objects we don’t understand flying around in our skies, it’s also a fact that there are scientific, intelligence, and military departments that study these objects,” Mckinnon said.
Mckinnon who went by the name “Solo” online, claims to have found one particularly striking photograph. He saw a cigar-shaped non-manmade craft captured in a satellite photo.
He claims he found four folders which were called “filtered, “unfiltered,” “processed” and “raw” in the systems at the facility building 8.
“I was absolutely gobsmacked and those folders had thousands more images,” Mckinnon told The Sun Online.
Mckinnon said he faced decades in prison if he didn’t consent to extradition.