Recent unverified claims surrounding actor Will Smith’s personal life have surfaced, alleging a controversial incident involving fellow actor Duane Martin. These assertions were brought to light by Smith’s former friend and assistant, Brother Bilaal, during an interview with Tasha K.
In a recent YouTube interview with Tasha K, Brother Bilaal, a former friend and assistant to Will Smith, made unverified claims about an intimate encounter involving the Men in Black star and actor Duane Martin. It is crucial to note that these allegations are unconfirmed, and neither Will Smith nor Duane Martin has responded to the accusations.
Bilaal described an incident where he unexpectedly walked into Duane Martin’s dressing room while searching for Will Smith. According to Bilaal, “I opened the door to Duane’s dressing room, and that’s when I see Duane having anal sex with Will. There was a couch, and Will was bent over the couch, and Duane was standing up, killing him, murdering him. It was murder in there.”
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[…] unfounded rumors circulating online, Jada Pinkett Smith recently addressed allegations concerning Will Smith and Duane Martin engaging in inappropriate behavior in the past. The speculations emerged when […]