In a bizarre turn of events, two individuals were arrested in Pacific Palisades for impersonating firefighters after attempting to access a wildfire checkpoint with a firetruck they purchased at an auction. The incident occurred on Saturday as crews continued battling the destructive Palisades Fire, which has been raging across Los Angeles County for over two weeks.
Authorities have been managing an influx of emergency responders, including support from other states and Mexico. Amid this high-pressure situation, the pair reportedly tried to pass themselves off as part of the firefighting effort… complete with a fully equipped firetruck.
According to Commander Minh Dinh of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the suspects… later identified as Dustin Nehl, 31, and Jennifer Nehl, 44… claimed to represent the “Roaring River Fire Department” from Oregon. However, officers quickly discovered that no such department exists.
The duo didn’t stop at the firetruck; they arrived prepared with professional-grade turnout gear, helmets, radios, and even CAL-Fire shirts beneath their uniforms to sell the illusion. Deputies stopped the fake firefighters at a checkpoint reserved for official crews responding to the blaze, which has devastated large portions of the Pacific Palisades area.
Once their story unraveled, both individuals were arrested for impersonating firefighters and entering a restricted evacuation zone. Authorities impounded the firetruck, and further investigations revealed Dustin Nehl has a criminal history in Oregon, including charges for criminal mischief and arson.
It remains unclear whether the suspects reside in California or traveled from Oregon for this ill-fated stunt.
The Palisades Fire continues to threaten lives and property, making the duo’s actions not only dangerous but a serious distraction for emergency responders working tirelessly to contain the flames.