The iconic Robertson family is gearing up for a grand return to television in 2025 with the revival of their beloved series, now rebranded as “Duck Dynasty: The Revival.” The reboot, announced by A&E on Wednesday, promises to bring back all the Southern charm, humor, and heart that captivated audiences in the 2010s.
Willie and Korie Robertson, who became household names through the original show, are thrilled to return alongside their now-adult children. Reflecting on the comeback, the couple shared, “This feels like coming home. We’re grateful for everyone who has been part of our journey as our family has grown and evolved. We’re excited to share new adventures, and maybe a few misadventures… with our fans once again.”
A&E has committed to two seasons of the reboot, totaling 20 hour-long episodes. Set to premiere this summer, the series will continue to spotlight the lives of the Robertson clan, blending heartfelt family moments with plenty of laughs.
The revival will feature familiar faces, including Miss Kay, Uncle Si, John Luke, Sadie, Will, Bella, and Rebecca, ensuring fans can reconnect with their favorite Robertson personalities.
“Duck Dynasty” originally debuted on A&E in 2012, becoming a cultural phenomenon that resonated with millions. Its mix of family values, comedic antics, and business ventures turned the Robertsons into reality TV royalty.
Now, with a fresh perspective and new stories to tell, “Duck Dynasty: The Revival” is set to bring the next chapter of their journey to a whole new generation of viewers.
Mark your calendars, and get ready to quack up with the Robertsons all over again!