A Jack Russell terrier, named Millie, went missing after coming loose from her lead in Havant, The Guardian reported.
Millie was found stranded on mudflats near Portsmouth, with rising tides threatening to sweep her out to sea, prompting a rescue effort to swing into action. Police, firefighters, and coastguard tried tirelessly for four days to rescue her but couldn’t.
Rescuers had the idea of attaching a sausage to a drone with the hope of tempting her to safety. The chair of the Denmead Drone Search and Rescue team, Chris Taylor, told The Guardian, “it was a crazy idea.”
“One of the residents on the beach where we were flying from supplied us with the sausages… I think they were from Aldi. The woman cooked them up for us, and we attached them with string.”
Gladly the sausage idea worked. The sausage lead Millie away from the rising tide to safety.
“If we hadn’t… got her away from that area, the tide would have come in, and she would have been at risk of drowning,” said Mr. Taylor.
“It was something we had never tried before… the sausages were the last resort.”