DJ Envy, also known as Raashaun Casey, is gearing up to testify against his former business partner, Cesar Pina, who is currently facing charges related to defrauding real estate investors of millions of dollars.
In the wake of legal scrutiny and concerns about potential unethical activities, DJ Envy’s attorney, Daniel Marchese, has confirmed the submission of all requested documents.
In December, a judge ordered DJ Envy to produce documents regarding his business dealings with Cesar Pina, hinting at a joint conspiracy to defraud creditors.
Despite the pressure, Envy remains composed, and court documents obtained by iHearts143Quotes indicate his willingness to testify against Pina if called upon.
Envy’s lawyer, Daniel Marchese, provided an update on their compliance with the court order. He stated, “On Friday, January 5, 2024, we forwarded our responses and document production to counsel for the Trustee in these aforementioned cases.”
Marchese further expressed confidence in the acknowledgment and receipt of the submitted responses by the Trustee.
Marchese emphasized that DJ Envy is fully prepared to affirm his responses and document production through sworn testimony if needed. The lawyer stated, “Should sworn testimony be needed to affirm my client’s responses and production, he would readily oblige.”
This commitment aims to address any lingering doubts and reinforce Envy’s compliance with the court’s directives.
Cesar Pina, known as FlippingNJ on social media, was arrested in October on charges of wire fraud related to his real estate ventures with DJ Envy.
While Envy has not faced charges directly, he has been named in several lawsuits alongside Pina, maintaining that he, too, is a victim of Pina’s alleged real estate scam.