Drama unfolded in Detroit as a local concert promoter put Bossman Dlow on blast for skipping his scheduled performance. The promoter, clearly frustrated, called out the rapper publicly, accusing him of being a “dope fiend” and someone who refuses to take responsibility for his actions.
According to the promoter, Bossman Dlow completely missed his set, leaving fans disappointed and the event in disarray. The heated exchange escalated when the promoter demanded a refund, claiming the artist’s no-show was due to alleged personal issues.
“He’s a dope fiend who can’t own up to his own sh*t,” the promoter stated bluntly, adding fuel to an already fiery situation. The incident has sparked widespread conversation online, with fans and critics alike debating the claims.
As the backlash grows, all eyes are on Bossman Dlow for a response. Will the rapper address these accusations, or will this controversy leave a permanent mark on his reputation?