In a captivating preview of her upcoming cinematic creation, “RENAISSANCE: A FILM BY BEYONCÉ,” Beyoncé invites audiences to embark on an otherworldly adventure.
Scheduled for a theatrical release next month, the film will be showcased on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, featuring multiple screenings each day.
Within the teaser, the celebrated Houston artist establishes an ethereal ambiance for what promises to be a transcendental encounter.
“I close my eyes and travel through realms of space and time. Reality holds no power or control of my state of mind on my voyage to find a source to charge my inner being,” announces the Grammy Award-winning performer. “Welcome to the RENAISSANCE.”
Experience Beyoncé’s cosmic odyssey when ‘RENAISSANCE’ hits theaters, offering a multi-day spectacle for audiences to immerse themselves in this mesmerizing journey.
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[…] Beyoncé graced the chrome carpet at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Los Angeles on Saturday night for the premiere of her concert film, “Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé.” The 42-year-old “Halo” singer captivated audiences in a stunning metallic gown designed by Versace. […]