7 Health Benefits Of House Plants
Instead of thinking of giving a house plant as a gift only. Look at it like this, house plants can be a life changer. House plants definitely carry with them great health benefits, both physiological and psychological. Here are the ten most important.
1. Increased Happiness
The presence of plants leads to reduced stress and anxiety, increased feelings of calm, improvement in mood and self-esteem and increased feelings of optimism and control. Plants also help ease feelings of depression and promote happiness and well-being.
2. Lowered Blood Pressure
Hospital studies showed that patients with plants in their rooms had lower blood pressure and heart rates than patients that do not have plants in their room.
3. Negating Cigarette Smoke
Plants have the ability to purify the air and remove pollutants contained in cigarette smoke. One particular plant is The Peace Lily if you are a smoker and want to reduce the effects of cigarette smoke in your house.
4. Humidifying The Air
If you don’t know, plants are natural humidifiers. They breath moisture into the air we breathe. This helps to prevent dryness in the skin, nose, throat and lips. They are good defenses against the flu and cold.
5. Improved Sleep
Plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen helping you to sleep better at night.
6. Improved Mental Health
If you are a pet lover and your current living situation does not allow pets. You will be happy to know that plants are a great alternative. Caring for something living can be great therapy and plants are a great substitute.
7. Sharper Focus And Mental Acuity
By increasing oxygen in the air you breathe and by removing pollutants, plants help with your memory, improve your concentration, make your attention sharper and makes you a more creative person.
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